SUITING UP FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE Part 3: The Necessity For Spiritual Armor


“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)

THE ADMONITION: Make Sure You’re Fully Suited Up For Spiritual Battle:

The Apostle Paul starts off in verse 11 with the admonition for us to ensure that we have been full suited up with our spiritual Armor. He’s not suggesting that we put on some of the armor or even most of the armor. No, the Apostle Paul is very clear. We are to make sure we are to put on every piece of our spiritual armor because without all of the pieces we leave ourselves vulnerable to the attacks of the demonic forces that we fight against.

To leave off even one piece of the armor is to create a chink in the armor thus exposing a vital area of our spiritual life to the devil and his attacks. Each piece of the armor is intended to protect a specific essential area of our spiritual life that is vital to our spiritual growth and vitality.

Next, I want you to take notice who’s armor we are to put on! We are not told to put on our own armor! In this verse the spiritual armor that we are to wear is identified as belonging to God. It is God’s armor we are to wear when entering into spiritual battle.

Why is this so important? Because, any king who is leading his soldier into battle will not only be fully suited up with his armor but will be fully suited up with the very best of armor! The materials used and the craftsmanship in making the armor will be the very best. Inferior materials and inferior craftsmanship will not be tolerated when it comes to the king. Why? Because, protecting the king and ensuring his safety is of the utmost importance.

In times past, there were situations, where two opposing kings each would select a champion to go fight each other. Just man against man. This soldier against soldier battle was done instead of the two armies battling it out. It was done in order to spare the loss of lots and lots of lives. The king of the champion that lost would then surrender to the king who’s champion won and he and the his subjects would become servants to the king of the champion.

There were times after a champion was selected that his king would then offer for him his armor to wear into the battle. Why the offer? Again, it was because the armor of the king is always the best armor made and offered the best protection the enemy. The kings offer to wear his armor was to give his champion the best possibility for victory.

That’s exactly what happened when David went out to fight Goliath. Take a look at 1 Samuel 17:37-39 says,

“… Saul said to David, ‘Go, and the Lord be with you.' ‘Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.” (NIV)

Out of all the soldiers in Israel not one of them was willing to go fight Goliath as Israel’s champion. They all were to afraid. But because of David strong faith in God, even though he was just shepherd boy, he was willing to make his stand against the giant. Even though he had no armor of his own, he was wiling to go. King Saul seeing both the courage and faith of this young man was then wiling to offer his very own armor for David to wear into battle. He wanted to give David the best fight chance possible to win. As it turned out David didn’t wear the armor because it was to big and he had not trained fighting with the armor. David knew he had a far better chance for victory if he used that which he knew best and not using something so unfamiliar.

Now here’s the point I am trying to make with all of this information.

Our Spiritual Armor Is God’s Armor

God is clothing us with the VERY BEST of Spiritual Armor, His armor, so that we are very well protected from the enemy. If this is God’s armor that He would wear into battle don’t you think it is made of the very best of material and the very best of skill crafted it?

THIS IS SO AMAZING! God isn’t sending us out to fight the enemy with whatever protection we can find! God has provided us the very best of protection. HIS ARMOR!

THE RATIONALE: So We Can Stand Against The Enemy:

Would I be to bold to say that the armor of God is even impregnable. I LOVE THAT WORD! This word “impregnable” is a powerful word and shouldn’t be used lightly.

Here’s what it means:

“unable to be defeated or destroyed”

When I say that wearing the Armor of God makes us impregnable I am saying that we cannot be defeated or destroyed during spiritual warfare and I believe that is exactly why the Apostle Paul told us to make sure that every piece of God’s Armor is put on! It is to ensure that we come out the victors in each and every spiritual warfare encounter.


Notice what Paul says immediately after his strong admonition to put on the full armor of God. He says,

“…so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Wearing the Armor of God allows us to stand against our enemy - not fall on our knees before our enemy. It gives us the ability to withstand the onslaught of Satan’s attack and be the one left standing when the attack is over.

Wearing the full of Armor of God doesn’t mean the battle is going to be easy or painless, it just means, when it’s all over and done, you’re left standing the victor. You might be beaten and battle worn but you will be the one left standing.

So, now can you see why it is a necessity and not just a suggestion when it comes to wearing the full Armor of God?

It’s The Difference Between Victory & Defeat

A Biblical Prescription For Worry!

Randy McWhorter is the former Director of the Healthy Church Group of the California Southern Baptist Convention and now the Lead Pastor of a powerful church in Northern California.

Randy McWhorter is the former Director of the Healthy Church Group of the California Southern Baptist Convention and now the Lead Pastor of a powerful church in Northern California.

My very good friend, Randy McWhorter, in his endorsement for my book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY shared that there is a cure for an anxious heart that will bring you peace, power and make you prosperous in all things regarding God’s will. Read the whole endorsement for yourself,

**“Living On Mission In Spite Of My Worry: Biblical Advice On Relieving An Anxious Heart is akin to a Christian prescription for hypertension of the believer’s heart. My friend, Jay Moore, has shared six Biblical principles that have the potential to revolutionize your concept of what it means to live worry free. You will find each principle to be a practical expression of God’s will for everyone who desires to glorify Him in all he or she does. Together, these six principles guide our understanding of what it truly means to follow Jesus in spite of our human frailties. There is a cure for the anxious heart that will bring peace, power and that will make you prosperous in all things regarding God’s will. There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole! The only question is... will you take the medicine? Will you follow the prescription? Or, will you remain weakened by worry and spiritually anemic? Take the prescription! Why spend another day allowing unnecessary worry to keep you from living a life on mission for the Lord? Take the prescription!” Randy McWhorter**

Now that’s a powerful statement that Randy made but a very true and accurate one. There is good news for all of God’s people who suffer from an anxious heart, a life filled with worry or struggling with the stress that the world loves to throw at each of us. That good news is that you can live a worry free life on a day by day and moment by moment basis.

It is not God’s desire and certainly not His will for His people to live a life plagued with worry. As a matter of fact Jesus himself told us to stop worrying. When we worry we are communicating that God isn’t enough for us and that we really don’t believe that He can meet all our needs or that He knows what is best. When we worry we demonstrate a lack of faith in the Lord Jesus.

But the good news is that you can live that worry free life, it is available to all who are willing to learn and trust God. That’s what this book is all about!

LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY will teach you the Biblical principles and Biblical practices that will guide into a lifestyle that doesn’t worry but just trusts God. This book contains the prescriptions for the cure of worry that Randy was talking about. It shows you what the Balam of Gilead looks like and how to get it.

Click the links below to find out more about this powerful book yourself.



How Not To Allow Distractions Keep You From Doing The Most Important Things!

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How To Keep Moving Forward In Missional Living When Things Get Tough

How do you keep going in missional living when things get discouraging and difficult? That is the question we are going to look at in todays Missional Living Devotional.


How do you help those people whom you share the Gospel to but aren't ready to surrender their life over to the care and control of Christ?  It's not that they are opposed to it but they are just unsure and need more information.

In this short training video we are going to ask and answer that question.  I pray you find it to be helpful as you go out and shine the Light of Christ to your part of this dark world!

Please share your thoughts as a comment below! I'd love to hear from you!

3 Daily Activities For Powerful Missional Living

Here are three things you can do every single day to help you join God on His mission and live a powerful missional life.  

If you have found this blog to be of benefit please share it on Facebook & Twitter!  Also, leave a comment and let's get a discussion going!  

Ordinary Christians - God's Primary Choice

"Just because I'm ordinary doesn't mean I'm secondary ordinary Christians are God's primary choice for doing His extraordinary work" Jay Moore

This is a little saying that I like to use!  However, I have found that it gets a lot of mixed reviews! 

Some people reaction when they hear that slogan feel that I am bashing Christians by calling them ordinary.  They say things like, "Now that we're Follower of Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in us we are no longer ordinary."  And I wholeheartedly agree with them that our new life in Christ does make us extraordinary.  But with that said I must remind all of us that intrinsically, in and of ourselves, there is nothing good about us!  Our only goodness comes from Christ in us.  

A second reaction I get from people comes from what I like to call the professional minister.  This is the guy who has gone through Bible college and seminary; they have gone through an ordination process; and now make there living from doing the ministry.  This group of people also feel insulted but for a different reason.  When they hear that statement they get the idea that I am trying to down play their importance and strip them from some place of honor they feel they should have.  I feel this attitude interesting since I also have a Christian college education majoring in religion and a seminary theological education with a master's degree.  

But then there is a third group of people who are actually energized by this little quote!  These are the people who have never been empowered, encouraged or even equipped to live a significant life on mission with Christ.  These are the people who have felt there only role in church was to come and attend.  These are some of God's children who've wished they could be involved in some project that would have an eternal impact but have never felt it would happen because, after all, they're just ordinary and why would God want to use them when He could use someone else more talented or educated.

But I'm here to tell you God not only loves to use Ordinary Christians but that Ordinary Christians is God's primary choice for doing His extraordinary work.  The Biblical record is filled with such examples.  All of the apostles were ordinary men, King David was the youngest of his family and Gideon was a fearful coward.  Over and over again we see God choosing that which the world would have never considered to do His amazing work.  We discover God using ordinary people is not the exception but the rule as we study the Bible.

So why?  Why would God choose ordinary people as His primary choice for doing His work?  The answer is simple!  God chooses men and women like us, ordinary people, because he wants to confound the wise of this world!  When people look and see what God is able to do through ordinary people the explanation for its success has to be GOD WAS THE ONE WHO DID IT!  That's right, God loves to use the ordinary of this world so that He will get the credit for what was done!

The truth is that God is always the one who accomplishes His work but He just chooses to do it through people.  If God always used extraordinary men to do his work the world would try to explain away the results saying that it only happened because highly talented people were in charge of it.  But when some ordinary person does something that turns out great the only explanation will be GOD!

So are you an Ordinary Christian?  Do you feel like there are others more talented and more gifted than you?  Do you down deep inside long for  God to use you to accomplish something amazing?


You are exactly the kind of person that God loves to use to accomplish His extraordinary work and the only requirement is that you must be a person of:


Do you believe that God can do anything?  Do you believe that God can do anything through anybody?  Do you believe that God can do anything, through anybody, including YOU!  Now that's what I call faith!