6 Fears That Keep People From Sharing Jesus With Others

Recently I ask is question to my Facebook Friends:  What's the #1 FEAR you have about telling others about Jesus and how to have their sins forgiven?

 Here are the some of the top 6 responses!

 #1:  Fear That People Belittling You For Your Faith

 This is a fear that people will make fun of you thinking that you are a simple minded person needing to believe in a fairy tale of a God as if belief in God is simple unreasonable. 

 #2:  Fear That You Might Say Something Wrong

 Some people fear that they might not have the right answers and actually give out misinformation. 

 #3: Fear Of Being Called A Bible Pusher

 In my day this was called being afraid of being called a “Jesus Freak”. No matter what you call it: Bible Pusher, Jesus Freak or little good Christian boy the intent is to make fun of you.

 #4:  Fear That Someone Might Cuss You Out.

 When you share Jesus with people you really don’t have any control how they will respond or react.  Some people are afraid that they will get cussed out and cursed at for sharing Jesus with people. 

 #5:  Fear Of Being Rejected For Your Faith

 This is a fear that you might not be accepted in a group or family because you share and believe in Jesus.  It’s a fear that people no longer want to have anything to do with you because of your faith in Christ.

 #6:  Fear Of Not Being Able To Defend Your Faith.

 This is a fear that you won’t be able to answer questions that people have about Christ or even worst if people challenge you with intellectual arguments you won’t know how to answer them.

 The reality is that all of these fear could be actualized by you regularly and intentionally sharing your faith in Jesus Christ.  But should that stop us?  Should we allow our fears control us or should we allow our faith in Christ control us? 

 Listen to this wonderful promise that God has given each of us in 2 Timothy 1:7 (HCSB)

 For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.