What If The Church Looked More Like This?


With the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 and the social distancing that is being ordered many churches have experienced a horrible decline in church attendance.  Christians are quickly getting out of the habit of going to church because of fear.

In addition to the pandemic Christians are beginning to face some social opposition because of their mixing their faith with politics.  For the first time in our nations history the church is beginning to be viewed by the unbelieving population as a bad social organization.  

As a result there is a lot of discussion on what the church should be like and look like.  Some really interesting discussions have centered around the church becoming more like the New Testament church they meet in homes.  

Here's a simple video to illustrate what is being proposed.  Watch this video and then share your thoughts on if you feel you could be part of something like it.  

3 Things To Expect From God When You Join Him On Mission!

" Yes, He (God) has humbled me and shown me what I am, revealing Himself as a present, a very present help in times of trouble.  And though He does not deprive me of feeling in my trial, He enables me to sing, 'Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation ... Now I am happy in my Saviour's love.  I can thank Him for all, even the most painful experiences of the past, and trust Him without fear for all that is to come."  Hudson Taylor

In this video I am going to share 3 things you can expect from God when you decided to join Him on His mission!  They are taken from the above quote of Hudson Taylor and is verified with scripture.  THEY WILL BE CHALLENGING TO HEAR AND ACCEPT! But they will also, once made part of your life, prepare you for whatever assignment the Lord sees fit to give you as part of His mission.  

Watch, Listen & Be Challenged!

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1 Priority That Is A Must For Every Christian

There are a few things written in the Bible that Christ says are "MUST" things that need to get done!  Today's post talks about one of those things that Jesus says is a must for him and for us.

Watch and be challenged to make sure your priorities include this one "MUST" thing!

Alleviating The Worry Of Joining Christ On His Mission!


Worry is one of the biggest barriers that keep Christians from joining Christ on His mission.  And that worry can involve many different things.  

They Worry About Saying The Wrong Things:

Some Christians feel that they just don't know enough about their Christian faith to share the Gospel with others, and as such, they could easily say something that is wrong.  The good news is that the Gospel is not complicated and doesn't require you to be a rocket scientist to do it.  With some very basic and quick training you can both thoroughly understand the Gospel and share it with others.  THIS IS A WORRY THAT IS EASILY REMEDIED!  


They Worry About Not Having The Right Answers To Peoples Questions:

When you share Jesus with others, will they have questions? Absolutely! But don't allow the worry of not having the right answer keep you from sharing Jesus with others.  

There's a true story in the Bible, after Jesus had healed a man from being blind from birth, that the religious leaders (who didn't like Jesus) decided they needed to question the man who had been healed.  Take a moment and read about how this man responded to comments about Jesus that he had no answers for:

"A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. 'Give glory to God,' they said. 'We know this man is a sinner.' He replied, 'Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" Luke 9

You can read the whole story in the Gospel of John, chapter 9.  But did you see how the man responded to the comments he had no knowledge of?  This man should serve as an example to the rest of us, on how we should respond to people who have questions, sincere or insincere questions!  That response should simply be:

"That is something I don't have an answer for but I will search to find the answer for you, but for now let me share with you what I do know!"

Then you share with them what Jesus has done for you since placing your faith in Him. You don't need to have all the answers to everyones questions concerning God and Jesus! You can always go find those answers.  But you should use their questions to share more of our story of coming to faith in Christ. People can argue about theology but no one can argue about your testimony in Christ!  They may not believe it but they can't argue against it. 

They Worry About The Type Of People God Will Have Them Go To:

That's the worry that Jonah had when God called him to go prophecy against the Great city of Nineveh. He didn't like them and he wanted to full unbridle wrath of God to fall on them. His biggest worry was that they would hear his message and the repent and if God saw their repentance, Jonah knew that God would forgive them.  

There might be some people you just don't like, you don't care for and you could care less if they came to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  If so, then you have an sinful attitude problem.  You need to be so convicted in your heart by the Lord that those whom you care the least for are those that want to come to know Jesus. You need to spend so much time in the presence of the Lord that his desires for these people become your desires as well. 

And list of worries can go on and on.

Philippians 4:6 gives us one powerful practice to help alleviate the anxiety that keeps us from joining Christ on His mission.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

What's that one "Best Practice" for ridding yourself from the worry and anxiety that plagues your heart.  IT'S PRAYER! When we pray God sends His peace into our lives to do two things:

  1. Guard Our Hearts: God's peace will alleviate the emotional pain and suffering that joining Christ on His mission might give you.  From my experiences, God actually changes the emotional pain into emotional pleasure, as I join Christ on His mission.
  2. Guard Our Minds:  God's peace will also remove the confusions of our thinking and replace it with the Mind of Christ that gives us clear understanding.  

So, if you are worried about joining Christ on His mission I suggest you just STOP IT and start PRAYING ABOUT IT. You know it's God's will for you to join Him on His mission, so just take the time in prayer to receive God's peace and His transformation and then just go join Him and see the great things that God will do in and through you.  

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Gospel Conversation Training In Glens Ferry, Idaho

Pastor Billy and His Family!

Pastor Billy and His Family!

This Saturday, June 3rd I will be in Glens Ferry, Idaho at First Baptist Church with Pastor Billy to lead his congregation in the Gospel Conversation Training.  It is his desire to see his church raised up, trained up and unleashed to go share the Gospel to every person in their ministry field until there's no place left to share. 

Do You Feel Inadequate Making Disciples For Christ?

Many of God's people feel inadequate in the obedience to Christ in the making of disciples of all peoples!  Why? A lack of competence and confidence!  Watch this video to learn the solution to this problem.  

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How To Be Credible In Living A Powerful Missional Life!

In today's post I want to share with you about our credibility for living a missional life.  How will people know that what we are sharing about Jesus, about the Gospel or the forgiveness of sin is accurate and true?  The answer comes back to our credibility!  Are we credible? Can people believe us?  Watch this video and see what God is telling you!

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2 Important Things To Do To Make Disciples For Jesus

Let's take a look at two important things that Jesus did to call out his first disciples.  Then let's begin to join Christ on His mission by calling others to become disciples for Jesus also.  

I love to hear your thoughts about this topic! Please share your thoughts as a comment!

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5 Steps Jesus Used To Restore A Backslidden Christian

John 21:1-23

This story starts off after Jesus has been arrested, after he has been killed, after he has been resurrected but before He has ascended into Heaven.  It is the story of how Jesus restored the Apostle Peter back to the ministry after he had failed Jesus at His crucifixion by denying Him three times.  Peter is discouraged and beating himself up for his failure.  In this post we are going to look at the 5 steps Jesus took to restore him, so he could become that powerful servant of God we all love and respect.  

You will need to get your Bible out and read what it says to see how it applies to the points I am making.  I pray that God will bless you as you read this and encourage you. Maybe you are one who who needs to be restored.  Here's some good news for you! Jesus is ready, willing and able to restore you just like He did for Peter and countless others.  So, read and be encouraged!

This story starts off with Peter telling some of other apostles that he was going to go back to fishing.  This is important because Peter had left this profession to follow Christ just about 3 years earlier. For him to make this declaration "I'm going fishing" he was in essence saying, "I am going back to my old life before we met Christ."  

That is the attitude of a backslidden Christian!  They've given up on follow Christ and going back to live the way the used to live before knowing Christ.  But also, in this story we see that Jesus has other plans. He doesn't allow Peter to just goes back to his old life but Jesus shows up to restore him to full service and commitment.  

STEP 1:  Jesus Pursued Peter!

In verses 4-7 we see Jesus showing up on the shore where Peter and the others were fishing that night. He calls out to them and tells them to throw the net on the other side. When they did their nets were filled fish. This caused them to remember another time when Jesus said to do the same thing with the same kinds of results. And because of this they recognized that it was Jesus was on the shore.

Why did Jesus come to where Peter was at?  Because Peter was floundering and felt unworthy to continue to be a servant of Christ.  Jesus showed up to restore him and give him the confidence he need.  NOTICE IT WAS JESUS WHO PURSUED PETER - NOT PETER PURSUING JESUS!

STEP 2: Jesus Fellowships With Peter

In verses 10-14, after Peter responding favorably with Jesus' pursuit we see Jesus inviting Peter and the others with him, to sit down and have a meal with him.  How many times had Peter sat around the fire eating a meal with Jesus over the past three years?  A ton for sure! Because of his failure he probably thought those opportunities would never happen again but now Jesus is inviting Peter to sit and eat with Him.  How precious and encouraging that must have been for Peter.

I think one of the important things to realize in being restored to Christ is that Jesus isn't wanting to beat you up first! No, Jesus is wanting the wonderful relationship that had be originally established to be restored.  Jesus wants to sit and eat a meal with us as much, if not more, than we do with him.

STEP 3:  Jesus Questions Peter Love

As they finish their meal together, in verses 15-17, we see Jesus ask Peter three times if he love him or not and each time Jesus follows Peter answer with a command to take care of His sheep.  Jesus already knew Peter loved him. It wasn't for his benefit that Jesus asked that question but it was for Peter's benefit. Peter needed to be reminded of his love for the Lord and to be reassure that Christ still wanted him to be part of his band of apostles.  The questions of love and the commands to take care of the sheep was Christ's powerful way of letting Peter know that his service and ministry was wanted and needed. The only requirement Jesus asked from Peter was for Peter's love and devotion.

STEP 4:  Jesus Gives Peter A Glimpse Of The Cost For Following Christ.

In verses 18-19 Jesus shares with Peter what it will cost him for continuing to be a devoted follower of Christ.  He lets him know that his commitment and service would lead him to his own death and a death by crucifixion. 

Isn't interesting how open and clear Jesus is with his followers of what it means and cost to be his disciple. IT WILL COST YOU YOUR LIFE!   Even though, out of fear, Peter denied Christ, Jesus was letting him know that there would be other times to come where Peter would need to gird up his fear and place his faith and trust in Him. Jesus was preparing Peter for what would evidentially come around again.  

STEP 5: Jesus Warned Peter Against Comparing Himself To Others. 

In verses 20-23 Peter begins to ask what would happen to a different disciple.  Jesus' response is classic. "What's that to you?"  In other words Jesus was telling Peter what happens to other disciples is none of His business. The only thing that should be important for Peter was to faithfully live out what God has determined to be his role.  

To often, faithfully serving Christ, gets all muddled up because our focus is on other people and not on Christ and his will for our lives.  We complain to God about this person having this blessing, or that person getting to serve Christ in that way.  That kind of focus will never honor God.  Instead, we should be saying to Christ as he reveals his mission for us to be these words,

"Yes Lord, yes to you will and to your way. Yes, Lord, yes I will trust you and obey. When your Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart I'll agree. And my answer will be, 'yes Lord, yes."

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John The Baptist: The Prototype For Missional Living

When it comes to missional living there is one of the Biblical figure that pop up as a great example for how to do it is John the Baptist! Today, I want us to look at John the Baptist and how he went out to "Make the path straight for the coming of the Lord."  What did he do? And how did he do it?

Take a few moments and watch this devotional, think about it and then share your thoughts as comments below.

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When we begin to live an intentional life on mission with Christ we will begin to experience some circumstances that will literally blow our minds!  As we encounter those circumstances, impossible circumstances, questions will begin to fill our minds! Questions like:

  • How will Christ ever be glorified through this?
  • What is God trying to do? This doesn't make sense?
  • What am I suppose to do in this situation?

We are going to look at just one little statement Jesus made to a woman while he was out on mission. In that statement holds the key to answer this important question!  Take a few moments and watch it NOW!


Today, I was reading, LIFE ON MISSION: A Simple Way To Share The Gospel, by Dustin Willis & Aaron Coe and came across an activity that I thought would be really good for my readers to do. So, I share it with you now!


"Father God and Lord Jesus. I pray that you would open the hearts and minds of all your people who read this post. Stir their hearts to long for and grave for the things that are most important to you. Help them to understand their part in the mission you have given us. Convict our hearts, enlighten our minds, provide and steadfastness of will that follow you wherever you lead us.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen!"


"All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth, therefor, go and make disciple of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey all that I have given to you and low I am with you always even to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:18-20

"And when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

"Jesus said to them again, 'Peace to you! As the Father has sent me, I also send you." John 20:21


From the verses you just read:

1.  Which of Jesus' words most convict, challenge or encourage you to live life on mission? Why?

2.  How can you use your influence in your community to be involved in God's redemptive mission?

3. Whom did God use to share the Gospel with you? Share in a few short sentences the way you came to faith in Christ.

4.  When has God used you to share the Gospel? Have you shared the Gospel? 

Take A Few Moments & Share Your Answers As A Comment Below!  Let's Get A Good Conversation Going & Encourage Each Other To Shine The Light Of Christ!