STOP Reading The Bible The Wrong Wa
/There Is A Wrong Way To Read The Bible!
You may be shocked to hear that there is a wrong to read the Bible! Can that really be true? If you’re reading the Bible isn’t that a good thing that will help us grow in our spiritual life?
Not always and I might even add, NOT USUALLY!. Everyday there are well meaning Christians who are engaged in reading the Bible and expecting to get the wonderful benefits that pastors and churches have promised them but with very little results. Why? Because they are reading the Bible the wrong way.
There Is A Right Way To Read The Bible
If there’s a wrong way to read the Bible then logically there must be a right way to reading the Bible. And that would be absolutely correct.
For me once I started reading the Bible differently, the right way, my whole spiritual life and transformation changed. I knew I was spiritually stronger, I understood spiritual matter clearer, and I was able to fight of temptation with great effectiveness.
Take A Few Minutes & Watch This Video To Learn For Yourself How To Read The Bible The Right Way & Not The Wrong Way.
Learn how to stop reading the Bible the wrong way.